Sunday, February 2, 2014

Well dressed kitty!

Hello, dear diary!
I am here to share with you my new creation: well dressed kitty!
My husband's niece has a birthday this week. So I wanted to make something cute for her and I had leftovers of bulky grey yarn after making CUTESTINTHEWORLD animal hats for kids for  Christmas. So gray yarn. Bunny. Bunnies are gray. After few hours spent on ravelry I found adorable pattern of Well-Dressed-Bunny from Barbara Prime ( I started on it! I really enjoyed working on that pattern. It is fast and easy to follow. I completed both legs. But everybody in my family kept saying that niece loves kittens the most. And they kept repeating it. And they wouldn't stop! So I had to do something with it... I had to make kitty! There was no way that I was going to start over after what I had done. I hate it the most!
So I let my imagination work and decided to make grey-white well dressed kitty.
I ordered another skein of bare bulky yarn from the same site I had grey yarn from. And wrote down the changes I needed to apply to get a kitten instead of bunny. I used intarsia method to make white tummy and face. And I added white paws and white tip of the tail. 
I love the creature which came out of my experiment. It was my first attempt of changing somehow pattern I had. For to make sure I am on right direction I ordered Tabby Kitty pattern as well which really helped me at the end with ears and tail. 
My kitty does look little bit dorky to me, but I still love it a lot! Using the same pattern I had, I knitted few pieces of clothing for little kitty to keep it warm and stylish.
 Now my little stepdaughter asking for tabby kitty with purple and teal stripes. I got the yarn for it already and I guess it will be my next project!